Our Decisions Make an Impact

  • Did you know that the pulp and paper industry uses a large amount of freshwater to make paper? Once trees have been harvested and turned into wood chips, they are boiled in a watery-chemical solution and turned to pulp. This naturally brown pulp is then turned white by paper makers when they mix large quantities of water with bleach to turn the pulp into a bright-white substance. It can take more than five gallons of water to make just one sheet of paper. 
  • Paper makes up around 26% of total waste in the world’s landfills.* When paper decomposes, it emits methane, a greenhouse gas. When it is burned or composted, carbon dioxide is released into the air.
  • By signing up for e-statements, you can cut down on paper production, cut down on freshwater usage, and decrease greenhouse gas emissions.

Swipe Your Debit Card

  • When you swipe your debit card or use online banking instead of writing checks, you not only help the environment, but you get the benefits of extra security and help prevent check fraud.
  • Check fraud is on the rise across the country. For more information on preventing check fraud, visit our financial safety page here.
  • When you swipe your debit card, always choose “Credit.” You’ll protect your PIN, and you’ll be better protected against fraud.

